Written by Sarah Hill

We had the most incredible time at both the Forge men’s retreat and the Beautifully Flawed women’s retreat! We were so blessed to see how our community came together to help us make these retreats possible. I am truly so humbled and grateful to each of you, thank you! I am still having a hard time putting into words the impact of seeing both retreats played out before me has made. I am soaking in the sweet moments of laughter, tears, camaraderie, and seeing boundaries pushed beyond limitation to successes. As I juggled making sure everything went smoothly between the two retreats, there was a resounding message that silently spoke to the deepest parts of my soul,

“There are no victims here.”

What I love seeing at the retreats is the bonding that happens, for instance with the men a brotherhood is shaped and a safe place to share transparently, challenge corporately, and overcome together. As for the girls, there is a nurturing, loving atmosphere where each can shine brightly, with no comparison and no judgments. Within a few simple days, lives are forever changed and tragedy is turned into triumph. In the next few weeks, we will be sharing just a few of these incredible stories with you. In the meantime, check out the retreat photo gallery below to relive the experience with us!

Thank you again for being an extension of what we are doing at the Beautifully Flawed Foundation. There is no way we could do this work without your love and support.


Executive Director
Beautifully Flawed Foundation
Group photo of Beautifully Flawed and Forge Retreat attendees and leaders at the gym

Want to see more photos?
Check out the Beautifully Flawed Retreat and Forge Retreat program pages!

Support The Beautifully Flawed Foundation

Help further the Beautifully Flawed Foundation’s mission and programs that support young people living with limb difference or those who’ve experienced traumatic limb loss by making a tax-deductible donation. You may also contact us more information or simply keep our work and those we serve in your prayers.